Dairyland Tin Lizzies

Minutes of November 13, 2005 Meeting

The fall meeting of the Dairyland Tin Lizzies was called to order at 12:20 p.m. on Sunday, November 13 in the banquet room of Heinemann’s Restaurant, Greendale, Wisconsin by President Keith Gumbinger.

Present were:
Kevin Bruso
Adam & Christine Doleshal
Richard Edler and son Andy
DeWayne Fritz and Diane Scheid
Shawn Gerrits and son Nate
Keith & Carol Gumbinger
Jim Hess
David Knutson
Dan & Rita Kohn and son Jim
Harlon Pilon
Rod Prinsen
Jim & Colleen Rodell and sons Eric & Ethan
Dan & Phyllis Schultz
Ron Stock
Arlee Titel
James Wright
Gregg & Pam Zangl and son Ford

Secretary Jim Rodell, Jr. read the minutes of the last meeting. Carol Gumbinger moved to accept the minutes as read, and Jim Hess seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Treasurer Adam Doleshal distributed a balance sheet of the club’s treasury and gave a verbal summary. Jim Hess moved to accept the treasurer’s report, and Rod Prinsen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Webmaster Carol Gumbinger reported on the club’s website.

Newsletter Editor Kevin Bruso thanked those who have contributed to the newsletter and reported that he will be publishing two more issues of The Buzz before handing over the reins to the next editor.


Old Business:

Dan Schultz reported on the tour he and Phyllis organized on June 12 which included picnic lunch at a park, a visit to the Stock home, a visit to Pinecrest Historical Village, and an ice cream stop.

Ron Stock and Carol Gumbinger reported on the Firecracker Tour, an overnight trip to Richland Center held July 2-4.

Jim Rodell, Jr. reported on the Carousel Tour and Flivver Fest held July 31 in Waterloo, Wisconsin.

Jim Rodell, Jr. reported on Model T Day held August 20 at the Wisconsin Automotive Museum in Hartford.

Jim Hess reported on the "Escape to Wisconsin" regional tour held September 13-17.

Jim Rodell, Jr. reported on the Poker Run Fall tour held October 1, with final stop at Hustisford Historical Park where we were welcomed by the Early Ford V-8 club.

New Business:

President Keith Gumbinger read a campaign letter from Model T Ford Club of America board candidate Dave Williams.

Keith also highlighted some topics from the "Chapter Happenings" newsletter:

A new series of restoration videos will be available soon.
The new membership directory is out.
The 2006 annual meeting will be held March 23-26 in Albuquerque, NM.
A 2006 national tour will be held June 18-23 in Massachusetts.
Wayne County fairgrounds, Indiana will be the site of a national 100th Anniversary Model T celebration on July 20-27, 2008.
A survey of local clubs’ activities which Keith completed and returned.

Keith reported that member Roger Sutfin has donated some videos, a Dyke’s book, and a rear spring spreader to the club, which are available to members on loan.

Christine Doleshal reported on the club Christmas party, to be held January 21, 2006.

President Keith Gumbinger announced that our club has reserved a booth at the winter swap meet at Washington County Fairgrounds, to be held February 26, for the purpose of promoting our hobby and club.

Tin Lizzie University will be held at Vrana Frame & Body Shop in West Bend on Saturday, February 11, beginning at 1 p.m. Topics will include coil restoration and adjustment by Adam Doleshal, transmission assembly by Kevin Bruso, and a "Show and Tell" session of Model T specialty tools by all members who would like to participate.

Our spring business meeting will be held on Sunday, April 2 in the Oconomowoc area at a location to be arranged by Adam Doleshal.

Kevin Bruso reported on the overnight tour he is planning for the Crivitz area to be held May 27-29, 2006.

The club will attend the ice cream social hosted by the Mayville Historical Society at the Carriage Factory Museum to be held June 25, 2006.

"Flivver Fest" will change locations this year after three successful consecutive years at the Waterloo Firemen’s Park. A tentative date has been set for July 30 for the Cedarburg area, with a visit to David Uhlein’s home arranged by Carol Gumbinger.

"Model T Day" will be repeated at the Wisconsin Automotive Museum in Hartford during August, 2006

After three consecutive years of our "Escape to Wisconsin" fall regional tour, another regional tour is not in the plans, and the tour fund will have a balance of approximately $800 after all expenses are paid. Discussion revolved around what should be done with the tour fund.

Ideas included:

Use as seed money for a future special event or project.
Donation of part to the Piquette Project, restoration of the building            where the Model T was first produced.
Put in the general fund of the club treasury.
Purchase of equipment for the club.
Subsidization of dues.
Creation of "Sunshine Fund" for members who become ill or pass away.
Construction of a "Club Car".
Purchase of magnetic signs.

Diane Scheid moved to table discussion of this topic until the April meeting, and the motion was seconded and carried.

Kevin Bruso moved to adjourn the meeting. Jim Hess seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 2:05 p.m.

After the meeting, many members stayed for dinner, and members helped Rod Prinsen to identify three Ford Z wrenches he found.

Respectfully submitted,

James Rodell, Jr.

Secretary, Dairyland Tin Lizzies